David first started performing magic at a rather young age...nine! By age thirteen, he had already become one of the youngest members of the Academy of Magical Arts Junior Society at the world famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, California, and the youngest magician ever invited to join the International Guild of Prestidigitators.
Since then, David has received considerable recognition for his talents including; Magician of the Year by the Magical Arts Guild In California (M.A.G.I.C.) on two separate occasions, Best general Magic Award from the Society of American Magicians. the coveted "Manipulators Cup" presented by the International Guild of Prestidigitators. which lead to multiple Television appearances on Days of Our Lives, City of Angels and appearances on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
Over the past seventeen years David has created, directed and choreographed a multiple of magic and varietyshows worldwide. Completing over 30 tours in Japan as well as numerous appearance and disappearances internationally, Credits including performances in China, Germany, Australia, Thailand, Canada, Malaysia, and featured night spots throughout the United States, These venues include WizArdz at Universal Studios "Citywalk", The nationally acclaimed: Magic Island in Houston, Texas, and the World Famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, California.
Towering above the competition at an Impressive 6’9’’ (2.2m) in height, David is without a doubt taking magic to new levels and redefining "Grand” Illusion...The Guinness Book of world records: Just may find David Zirbel to be The Tallest Magical Entertainer of the World.
David has always stayed true to his goals by following two maxims:
"Entertainment is the ultimate key to survival"
"If you're not having fun...then neither is the audience"
David's performances deliver on this promise by combining comedy, theater, dance, mystery, and classic Illusion into one stunning performance. David uses colorful props and costumes, live animals, great music, and an incredibly likable stage presence...the result is a performance not to be missed!
.......and that's no Illusion |